Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Facebook Ready Buying Option Now Available!!!

So, let me go ahead and start the next internet photography revolution! Starting right now a Web-Ready gallery is available for $50 for any gallery I have on line. Max width or height will be 350 pixels, and I'll put a little logo in there where it won't interfere with the crux of the image. I'll give this a trial until after my May horse trial, the last before the Fall season in the south kicks in, then make a decision as to whether to continue this.....

Save the two pics I have put into a sample gallery, unprotected, is here:

I'll eventually amend my order form to include the option, but for now jst use my on-line order form and write Web-Ready Gallery Download and $50 in the appropriate space. I'll then set up your gallery to allow you to save them from there, and that does it.


My fax machine is standing by!

Monday, April 6, 2009

FENCE April 4, 2009

What a gorgeous day it was! A bit breezy, but we got just about the best succession of weather, with th rain a few days earlier and the wind the day before to take off the mush...

Let's all thank the FENCE staff for sticking to the show so this long-running event could keep on going.

At this point all the galleries have been uploaded, but don't hesitate to contact me if you have an questions.