Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fall Horse Trials at The Ark 2009

Hey folks, I've got the show posted now, so go take a look!

When you do view your galleries, do remember that the photodisc for the entire gallery is not available via the online shopping cart, but is available via the printable order form, which you can find linked on the lower left of the nav bars.

The photodisc for this show is priced at a discounted $75, $65 (regular $120/$100) for the gallery download. Just use the order form to purchase it.


Pine Top October 2009

Hey folks, All posted, so go take a look!


Don't forget that the show disc is available, only not via the shopping cart. Use the order form, linked in my nav bars, to order that via mail or fax or phone.


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tryon Riding & Hunt Club at FENCE

Hey folks! Great weekend, wasn't it!

Loading is all done... Don't forget the photo disc, not available via my on-line shopping cart. Click on "Order Form" from my site to get to it.

I also video'd each stadium round, so if you want it, just use the order form as well. DVD is $25 for each ride, but is $20 if bought with the disc or download. CLICK HERE FOR A SAMPLE.



Sunday, September 27, 2009

CCC Pleasure Driving & Dressage at Harmon Field

Hey folks! It was a "pleasure..." I'm finished uploading, so if you don't see any images in your gallery, let me know and I'll see if I made a mistake.

For those of you who did dressage on Friday, I video'd your tests. If you would like a dvd of it, it is just $30, $25 for any followups. Use the order form to get it directly from me.


Order form is on the site on the left side of the Nav Bar..

See you next time.. Mark

Sunday, September 20, 2009

September '09 Paradise Horse Trial

Hey, we lucked out! While the rest of the state was under water, we had to remind ourselves that we were, indeed, in Paradise. Or on the edge of it anyway.. That nasty system moved up I-85 and went right above us, leaving us with a nice comfortable day, albeit 95% humidity. Most important of all, my cameras stayed dry!

As of now I've finished the uploading, so if you rode and still see empty gallery, send me a message!



Sunday, August 30, 2009

Full Gallop Horse Trials August 29&30, 2009

I'm getting close to finishing the uploading. Take time to read below, but click the following to view your photos:

Don't forget the SHOW DISC and DOWNLOAD, $120/$100, available only via the pdf order form, found in the navbars. The "Download" includes all the same great images, only download from the site..
Click to see a sample of the video of Sarah Hansel atop Charlie Brown right in the show gallery. The dimension issue you may have seen earlier is solved.

In the meantime, in between video signups I did get some extras of these riders, which you can still purchase for $25 per disc, or $20 if bought in conjunction with a photo CD or download:

Andrews, Allison & Inquisition 149
Andrews, Caroline & Apology Accepted 99
Armstrong, Rohena & The Money Runner 95
Boyle, Amy & Rowdy But Nice 105
Briggs, Kelsey & The Gentleman Pirate 36
Caras, Jenny & Raku 61
Cooper, Asa & Walk on Water 88
Culbertson, Eliza & Time To Tango 67
Davis, Stephanie & Out For Blood 163
Doolittle, Jamie & Sportsfield Supersonic 48
Douglas, Morgan & Above The West 62
Ezekiel, Emmi & Tinkerbell 176
Ezekiel, Kennedy & Stepping Stone 90
Graulich, Lindsey & Adanac 152
Hawkins, Caroline & Silent Faith 94
Imes, Megill & Saturday Afternoon 114
Kart, Brittany & Llewellyn 13
Kennedy, Allison & Formal Attire 162
Khoury, Jeanine & Jones 174
Lambros, Peri & Jumping Zach Flash 101
Miller, Donna & ArdCeltic Art 34
Montgomery, Clark & Up Spirit 12
Murphy, Kathryn & The Tart 160
Murphy, Sarah C. & Zula 150
Muscarella, Sara & Solomon 159
Neely, Kelsey & Pharaoh 147
Nelson, Miranda & Lily's Testamony 91
Pahl, Taylor & Tuck Everlasting 148
Parrish, Frances & Grace 153
Puricz, Shelby & Stalking Man 14
Riley, Morgan & Elite Sterntaler 156
Schriver, Elizabeth & Harmony 93
Schroeder, Helga & Sage 177
Smith, Hayley & Willow Bend 60
Snow, Lizzie & Sloopy 37
Speth, Anna & Impress a Gremlin 63
Summer, Ansley & Tiki 96
Terry, Miriam & Monserrat 68
Wallace, Elisa & Good For Me 16
Warden, Mellisa & Cantilator 11
Woollen, Stephanie & Mystique 172
Wooten, Katie & EM Aquataine 35

If any of you want the video, just use the order form on the site and send it in! I'll put an example in here soon....

Click here to view your photos:

Enjoy, Mark

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Hey, I'm trying hard to get the work flow down so that HoofClix can offer at least some video at the horse trials coming up this fall. Below is an example of my capture and how I have edited and added text to the movie shown.

Here is the video also inserted into the rider gallery:

From that rider gallery you may either download a small web-movie (shown above) or a file designed to be burned to DVD or transfered to your i-Pod or other movie player.

The idea would be to offer limited video on dressage day at my horse trials, on an FCFS basis, and I would deliver a range of products from it, above being one, and an actual DVD another.

What do you think??!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Full Gallop Horse Trial, May 30, 2009

For me it was my last horse trial until returning to this same venue for August 28-30.

This added June 3rd.. I've finished the uploading as far as I can see, so if you can't see your pictures, do let me know...

Looking forward to introducing video for dressage and/or stadium at the August Full Gallop.. It will be f-c-f-s for the show, but I'm excited about it..


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Carolina Carriage Club HDT @ FENCE

Well, I had a blast for the weekend, and I think the rain on Sunday actually made it all a little more fun! I was up the creek again on Marathon day, and I did get some good stuff for all, but especially for the Prelim and Int drivers who drove the creek..

At this point all the pictures are posted up, but I'm still finding a few errors in galleries. We should have all phases for each of you, so If you don't see a phase, let me know and I'll search again.

A reminder to you that I video'd the dressage phase on Saturday. I still have all of the files, so it's just $30 for a DVD, and $5 discount if purchased in combo with the photo CD, or a minimum of $100 print order. Use this: ORDER FORM


Monday, May 18, 2009

Chattahoochee Hills Mudfest, May 15-17

Regardless of the mud at the end, it was a great weekend! I was the second to last out, Joanna's Blue Box the last one I believe, and I just got a running start and ski'd up the hill as best I could..

Pics are loading now, and as many of you might not know, I put string them from low to high. If you are itching to see yours, just send me an e-mail, and I can cut into the line with yours...

Called in on this just a few weeks ago, so I did my best to gather my A team for three days of all phases. We did pretty well I think, especially considering the rain. There were a few dressage rides at the end of BN on Saturday that did not get phowtoed, as a camera was shorting in the rain, so please forgive on that. As alway, there will be a few mixed up galleries.. Just tell me and I'll move them...

Very much looking forward to next time.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Facebook Ready Buying Option Now Available!!!

So, let me go ahead and start the next internet photography revolution! Starting right now a Web-Ready gallery is available for $50 for any gallery I have on line. Max width or height will be 350 pixels, and I'll put a little logo in there where it won't interfere with the crux of the image. I'll give this a trial until after my May horse trial, the last before the Fall season in the south kicks in, then make a decision as to whether to continue this.....

Save the two pics I have put into a sample gallery, unprotected, is here:

I'll eventually amend my order form to include the option, but for now jst use my on-line order form and write Web-Ready Gallery Download and $50 in the appropriate space. I'll then set up your gallery to allow you to save them from there, and that does it.


My fax machine is standing by!

Monday, April 6, 2009

FENCE April 4, 2009

What a gorgeous day it was! A bit breezy, but we got just about the best succession of weather, with th rain a few days earlier and the wind the day before to take off the mush...

Let's all thank the FENCE staff for sticking to the show so this long-running event could keep on going.

At this point all the galleries have been uploaded, but don't hesitate to contact me if you have an questions.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pine Top March 21 & 22

Well it was about time to have some non-rainy shirtsleeve weather for a whole weekend!

All pics from the show are posted. There are a few problems in that I had pics for #97 and #86, but I didn't have a name on the roster for those pinney numbers. If anyone knows who those are, please email me so I can correct the gallery names.

Also there will undoubtedly be a few mixed up pics. If you see some in your galleries, do let me know so I can figure them out.

See you at Pine Top again in the fall....

Friday, March 13, 2009

What A Six Weeks..

It seems like the past six weeks have gone by in a blur.. What could I have been thinking? Eight horse trials in six weeks and the snowbirds will be packing up their horses and migrating northward via Southern Pines, The Fork, you name it.. I've had a blast so far. Everything is posted and delivered at this point but don't hesitate to call me or e-mail if you have any questions or issues....

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pine Top Jan 31/Feb 1, 2009

Brrrrr... Well, it may have been cold, but the cold is really yet to come. It was a sight to see Janet driving throught the Frogpond to break up the ice.

I'll be without a fast connection over the next few days, but I'll do my best to get your images up and all photos ordered at the show delivered as soon as possible. Be patient please, and if you're coming to Full Gallop and Sporting Days, you can certainly still drop by my trailer to see your pics.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Full Gallop Jumping Derby January 17, 2009

Hey everyone! Yes, I was in Aiken on Saturday. I had a few trainees there taking shots. You used it as a schooling show, and so did I.........

Sorry that keeping up with numbers proved to be extremely difficult, so I'v just posted by division...

Pics are posting now, so enjoy. Mark

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Go In Peace, Peter

The eyes always told us all we needed to know. The handshake always affirmed it. While I didn't know you well, we'll all miss you, man....

Monday, January 12, 2009

Ark Frostbite, January 10, 2009

Yes folks, HoofClix was there! As the XC was pulled back, and as I had personally something come up, trusty Eileen covered it solo. She has sent me all the images so I can sort them out and post them on the site. Please be patient as I get them up. It should be by Wednesday, I'll guess.
