Monday, May 18, 2009

Chattahoochee Hills Mudfest, May 15-17

Regardless of the mud at the end, it was a great weekend! I was the second to last out, Joanna's Blue Box the last one I believe, and I just got a running start and ski'd up the hill as best I could..

Pics are loading now, and as many of you might not know, I put string them from low to high. If you are itching to see yours, just send me an e-mail, and I can cut into the line with yours...

Called in on this just a few weeks ago, so I did my best to gather my A team for three days of all phases. We did pretty well I think, especially considering the rain. There were a few dressage rides at the end of BN on Saturday that did not get phowtoed, as a camera was shorting in the rain, so please forgive on that. As alway, there will be a few mixed up galleries.. Just tell me and I'll move them...

Very much looking forward to next time.



  1. Hey Mark,

    I am glad you made it out of there. It was nasty!
    It was so good to get to visit with you this weekend, and I hope we see you again soon. I can't wait until Jake's photos get posted. It was his first Prelim with Mr. Bryteside.
    I hope your feet eventually dry out.
    See you soon.

  2. Thanks Beth!

    Jake is posting right now.. Or I should say that his pics are posting, as he is probably not trotting a horse at the moment...

    See you next time..
